Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday, February 29, 2007

Today was a busy day. At 8:30 a.m. the RV Park had a farewell coffee for DeAnn and Bruce. It was a nice send-off for them. They got all kinds of "kudos" from the park residents, the park manager, and all of their activity team members. Then Jack and I went into Casa Grande to run a few errands.
At 4:00 p.m. a group of us went to a Mexican restaurant in Casa Grande to celebrate with DeAnn and Bruce. Here is a picture of the group:

After dinner we came back to the park to our "Sock Hop" dance. It was a fun time for all. Had a nice live band that kept us hopping into the night!! It is time for bed now....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today was another great day in Arizona. It was sunny and in the low 80s. Jack and I went into Casa Grande to get my hair cut and do some grocery shopping. While we were there, we visited the Sundance RV park. We had heard some people talking about it and thought we should check it out. It was a nice, clean park. It was impressive with a gated entry, the office was real nice and very friendly. It has 711 sites so it is larger than Quail Run. Who knows it could be our home next winter!

When we got back to the park, went over to DeAnn's to see how her shopping trip with Shelley went. They went into Phoenix to buy food for the Luau. She said they did some shopping for themselves and then went to Sam's to get the supplies. She is going to pick Bruce up at the airport tonight. She is so excited that he is finally getting back to Arizona.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This is my first blog entry. Thanks to Snookie, a resident in the RV park, I now have a blog site.

The weather in Arizona is getting to be wonderful and warm. The next seven days are showing the temps to be in the 70s and 80s. We have really enjoyed our stay in Arizona.

Today Jack and I worked in the trailer - mainly cleaning for a change. We sat out in the sun and enjoyed it. Tonight we cooked hamburgers out and DeAnn came over to eat with us. Then after dinner, Snookie came over to educate DeAnn and I on blogging!!

Here is how we are set up in Arizona.