The weather has been both cool and warm. We did have some cool mornings this last week but the days have been pretty nice. Starting on Thursday we have had ideal weather - 70s and sunny. But one morning it was 30 degrees with frost on the truck. That wasn't good!! But I guess you have to take the good with the bad.
Our dance last Saturday night was great. Finally we had the music we like - variety with 50s/60s/country/pop. It was a one-man band type music - good voice - he played the guitar and fiddle. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Fun time...
We did our routine activities and had fun. On Wednesday, we went to the movies with Becky and Dave (couple across the street). We saw the new Clint Eastwood movie - Grand Torino which was very good. Was surprised he didn't get any nominations for the Oscars from it. He acted in it; directed it; and produced it.
We met Wendy and Rick (friends from Arizona City) for lunch on Thursday in Sebring. Had a good visit with them.
Jack and I also started taking square dance lessons on Friday. We danced years ago but haven't done it for a number of years. Two years ago in Texas we took a few refresher lessons and enjoyed it so thought we would try it again. It was fun and it is definitely good exercise, which we can always use.
Last night the park had their annual spaghetti dinner. It was real nice. They had decorated the club house into a Italian restaurant with red checked tablecloths and wine bottle centerpiece/candles; played music while we ate. It was very good and had the right price. After the dinner, we had a bonfire down by the lake. Here is a picture of our table.
My sister called us right after we got home to tell us that my Aunt Arlene had passed away. She had been in bad health for the last year and has lived a long good life but you know you are never ready for the final goodbye. Aunt Arlene was like my "second Mother" as she lived in KC while my Mom lived 200 miles away. She was a wonderful woman and knew how to live life every day. God take care of her. I will be flying to KC on Tuesday to go to the funeral and then fly back on Saturday. Not looking forward to going to the cold/snowy weather but some things we just have to do.
Here is a couple of pictures Jack took today down by the pool and lake.