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Thanks to my friend LaVon, here is the picture of boys at the Chiefs game. They look like they are ready for winter. It was pretty chilly that day, but at least the sun was out and they didn't get too cold. Marlin, Jack and Frank.
P.S. - The Chiefs didn't win (as usual) but it was a high scoring game - 44 - 37. We played the Cleveland Browns. The poor Chiefs have had a bad year so I guess we can just say they are re-building for next year!!
Sorry to be so slow with the blog but things have been really busy around here. We have had Christmas get-togethers; keeping the grandchildren; shopping & wrapping; and then in our spare time trying to get things organized for our trip to Florida. But we have had plenty of fun doing all these things so that makes it all worthwhile.
I attended two Christmas parties with some of my old co-workers which is always a lot of fun. Got to see some of the people I hadn't seen in a couple years and catch up with them and their families.
We had a card group in last weekend for a chili and soup dinner with Christmas goodies. Always have a good time with them.
On the 12th, I hosted along with one other neighbor, a brunch for the women of our neighborhood. We have a pretty small neighborhood - 21 houses - but we had 11 attend the brunch.
Jack went to the Kansas City Chief's' game with our friends, Marlin and Frank. Thanks to Marlin who had some tickets his son wasn't going to use so the guys had a day at the football game. They had a good time. Marlin took a picture of them and I was in hopes that I could post it but we couldn't figure out how to get it over to here. Sorry no picture. While they were at the game, Dora and I decided to go to the movies. We went to see the new George Clooney one. It was all right but for some reason it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Be better to rent it I think.
We are going to celebrate Christmas with our sons and their families on Christmas Day. The grandchildren are really getting excited about Santa coming. We had the two little ones on Monday and Bronson (3) was telling me I better go see Santa and tell him what I want!!
If the weather cooperates, we plan on pulling out of Kansas City on Sunday, 27th, and heading South to Florida. Right now they are calling for snow late tomorrow and on Christmas Day but then 26th and 27th are to be clear and cold. So we will see - hopefully we can get out of this cold weather.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and I'll blog when we get to Florida.