We have been busy with the family & friends most of the summer.
We visited the Kansas City Chief's Training Camp this year in August. They have moved it to St. Joseph, MO., which is only about 35 miles North of KC. So that makes it real handy to visit. It was fun to go there and see them work out and practice. So far this year the Chiefs are doing so much better than the last few years, so there is always hope for them!
Jack and I have gotten back into square dancing the last couple of years while we were in Florida, so when we came home for the summer, we decided to take some more lessons which has been fun. We have been to a few dances over the last couple months but most clubs do not dance much in the summer. We plan to attend a few dances this fall/winter before we leave for Arizona. We have already checked out the parks in AZ to see where the dances will be held. We need to get some of our friends to take lessons this year.
The last week of August we went to Branson with our friends, DeAnn an Bruce. Had a great time. While we were there, our friends we met in AZ three years ago, Don and LaVon, were there also. Had a good visit with them.
Over Labor Day weekend, we camped at a local lake - Smithville for four days. We took our 3 year old grandson, Bronson, with us for the first time. He did great. We only had him for a day and night, but he enjoyed it and wanted to know when would be the next time he could go. Hopefully we can get him out one more time this year.
On September 25, Jack and I attended my 45th high school reunion. We hadn't been to one for about 15 years so it was fun. Boy, how people change!! Of course, I haven't changed just them - LOL. I have about 6 girlfriends that I have kept in touch with over the years and most of them came to it so that was the best of times.
Zack, our 15 year old grandson, is playing JV football this year. So we have been busy attending his games. We went last night, he made a touchdown and had some really good plays. It is so much fun to attend these games. Both of our sons played football so it sure brings back the memories from their games.
The weather has been just beautiful here in the Midwest. Fall is definitely my favorite time of the year. The mornings have been cool but it warms up to the high 60s and low 70s by afternoon. Just perfect!! We have made our reservations for the winter in Arizona this year. We are going to be in Mesa at a RV park called Val Vista. We understand that there is going to be a number of people we know going to be there also so that will be fun. Looking forward to seeing them.