Wednesday, May 27, 2009

End of May

For some reason I couldn't move these pictures down. They belong at the bottom of this blog. Sorry!

Where does the time go?? I don't know what we have been doing but we seem to be busy all the time. Let's see what been going on......

Since I last blogged - On May 13, we had DeAnn and Bruce Hoover; and Donna and Bill Rinne over for a night of eating and talking!! We had a wonderful time with them. We had a lot to catch up on and just enjoyed their company. Here is a picture of them and ,of course, Miss Lindi (Bruce & DeAnn's little dog). Lindi came to see Brandy, too.

On May 15, we had our card playing buddies in for a night of cards and dominoes. Linda and Frank Wilburn came over, our other friends, Dora and Marlin Ragain, didn't get to come as Dora has been having severe back problems. Also, this same day, we had severe thunderstorms and got over five inches of rain. All this rain came in about three hours so there was some big time flooding. In Liberty, which is the small town we live in (really just a suburb of Kansas City), there were over 10 intersections closed due to flooding. This is the first time I can remember having this much rain in such a short range of time.

On May 17, our granddaughter, Emma, had her first piano recital. She has only been taking lessons for about 8 months and she is doing very well. She loves playing the piano and has always liked anything music. Her father loves all kinds of music so I guess she got his gene for this. She had a nice presentation.

Our friend, Dora, had back surgery on May 18. She has had severe pain for over three months and it took almost this long to get the surgery scheduled. Jack and I went to the hospital to set with her husband during the surgery. It turned out to be over a five hour surgery but there were not any surprises and it turned out good. She got to come home the next day (can you believe how fast you get out of the hospital these days)!! I took some food over for them on Wednesday and was surprised to see Dora up and walking pretty good. She seems to be progressing along pretty good. She of course has some pain but it seems to be getting better each day. I do hope and pray she continues to get well and gets back to her ole self real soon.

On May 21, I met two of my previous co-workers, Kathi & Lois, for lunch. We had a great time talking and eating and catching up on our lives. It is always fun to see my co-workers as I really miss them (but not the work). Then on May 22, I met Shirley Duello, an old carpool member) for breakfast. This was definitely the week to catch up with my friends. We had a great visit.

Over Memorial Day weekend, our grandson, Zack, was in a competitive baseball tournament. So we were busy going to his games. There were over 60 teams here from all over the Midwest. It was a fun time and Zack did very well. He got a inside the park home run along with other good hits. We enjoy going to his games - it reminds us when our sons played baseball. (Sorry LaVon Jack forgot his camera but we will get some of Zack playing before summer is out).

Here are a few pictures of my flowers around our patio: (see picture above)

Here is a picture of next door neighbor - Doris and her dog, Sophie. Brandy and Sophie are the best of friends. And we are very lucky to have Doris as our neighbor. She is like our adopted Mother. Thank God for great neighbors. (see picture above)
Well, that catches us up for another time. Have a great week!!


Wendy and Rick Fury said...

Loved the pictures. It looked like the wind was blowing. It seems to be blowing all the time anymore. Keeping busy sometimes keeps you younger. At least I hope so! LOL!!! Take care.

LaVon Baker said...

Love the beautiful clematis pictures!
You have been very busy socially. That's great. Love the games, cards, dominoes.. miss that. We do get to play dominoes with mama though.