Thursday, March 25, 2010

Packing up and Hitting the Road

It is hard to believe that three months have already passed and we are packing up and heading back North. Oh what a winter - it has been quite different than anticipated as the weather goes but we survived and had a wonderful three months!

The last three weeks we have been busy doing all sorts of activities and going places. We visited the Ft. Meyers Flea Market; attended Florida's Strawberry Festival (which has the most wonderful strawberry shortcakes!!); another day in Ft. Meyers at the Miramar Outlets shopping. We have been very involved in square dancing this year. Some weeks we have danced up to 4 times a week. It is great exercise and it has a fellowship of great people. We have met some wonderful people thru it. Our caller, who lives here year round, had most of the new class and us "angels" (that is experienced dancers) over to their house for a picnic dinner. They live on a lake and canal and have a wonderful place to entertain.

The park had its annual fish fry - they cooked 3,000 pieces of crappie fish for the park's family. This was great.

On March 15, we met some ole friends from Arizona, Buddy and Shelley, for lunch. It was great to see them and catch up with each other.

Tomorrow, March 26, we are heading out of this park. We are heading to Daytona Beach for a night or two; then on to Savannah, GA; then to Charleston, SC; on to Asheville, NC; next to Nashville, TN and then on to Missouri. Anyway that is our list of stops so hopefully things will work out. I hope the weather cooperates at our stops and that we don't run into any severe weather at this time of year. Hope to be in KC by April 5 or 6.

For all of you that will be hitting the road soon, may you have safe traveling!


LaVon Baker said...

Safe traveling for you, too.

Hey, have you lost your camera? ;-)

Wendy and Rick Fury said...

Glad you had a good three months despite the weather. Have a safe trip home and we missed you this winter. Someday our paths will cross again.