We have thoroughly enjoyed our stay in Arizona this year. It has been the warmest winter we have experienced overall the last five years. We had lots of friends in this park and that always makes it fun. We did have one incident that wasn't enjoyable - car accident.
On February 28, we were involved in a car accident. We were out to eat with our friends, DeAnn and Bruce, and we were T-boned on the passenger side of the car. I was sitting on the passenger side. My rib on my right side was broken. Bruce was shook up and has a sore back but other than that we thankfully were not seriously injured. It could have been much worse. We were riding with our friends and their car was totaled but it is drivable. The other car was totaled also. It is now two weeks later and my rib is still sore but is improving. So I have slowed down on the activities here in the park until my rib is better.
Here are a couple pictures of the car:
Here are a couple shots at the street fair:
Jack and I have been thinking of up-grading our fifth wheel for a while. Last week, DeAnn's uncle and aunt came up from Coolidge to look at our fifth wheel as they were looking for one similar to ours. Well, yesterday they called and said that they would like to purchase ours. So we are going to sell it to them, and deliver it to them next week on Wednesday. Then we will start back to KC on Thursday, March 24. When we get back KC, we will start looking for a new trailer. We have been looking at some while out here but haven't decided for sure what we will buy. We both liked the Open Range. So it will be exciting to start looking for a new one.
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