Sunday, March 30, 2008
One Less Trailer
Last night our 7-year granddaughter, Emma, came over and spend the night with us. So we got our grandparent's fix a little with her. She is such a "hoot" we always enjoy having her with us.
Safe travel to all that will be leaving Arizona City this week. I'm sure everyone will be anxious to get on the road. Hope to see you guys on the road sometime.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Busy Day
Since we left K. C. the day after Christmas for Arizona, we still had Christmas decorations to get down and put away; I did laundry all day long; and organized the clothes again. Boy we are tired tonight. We took the fifth wheel back to storage. So we have got things looking a little more like normal. Still have to organize all the paperwork to get our taxes figured. Maybe after a couple more days we will have time to put our feet up and relax a bit.
Brandy slept most of the day. I do believe she was so glad to get back to her house she just relaxed and slept the day away.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
We're Home - Brrrrr!
We had an uneventful trip to Missouri - which is great. We stayed the second night in Santa Rosa, NM at the Santa Rosa Campground. It was a pretty nice campground and easy to access. It even had a restaurant on site so that was nice we didn't even have to unhook the truck. Then we headed out on Thursday for Wichita, KS. That was a long day. We finally got into Wichita around 5:00 p.m. Jack was pretty tired from driving and me from helping him! We stayed at Blasi Campground which is right on Highway 54. It was all right but it sure wasn't as neat and clean as Quail Run RV Park. (They must not have had a Rick and Wendy in their housekeeping!)
We got to KC around 1:00 p.m. today. It was sure nice to get home. We visited with the neighbor for a while and then we started unloading the fifth wheel. Oh boy, I didn't realize how much "stuff" we had accumulated over the last three months. But anyway we got it unloaded in about 3 hours. We are tired now.
Tonight our youngest son, Chad, and his wife, Cathy, and our youngest grandson, Bronson came over to visit. I was so excited to see them. Bronson has changed so much and is growing up. He is now 17 months and changing everyday. He is at a cute age with his expressions and trying to say lots of words.
I'm sure we will sleep good tonight.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Heading Home
Easter Sunday we went to church at the park's church services. Don did a terrific job on the sermon. We had a real nice crowd for the Easter Service. After the services, we had a fellowship with an Easter Brunch. The food was very good and the conversation even better. We told our friends, Tom and Sharon, goodbye as they were going to be heading home right after church. They are headed back to Oregon via California to visit Sharon's sister. Here are a couple pictures from the brunch:

After the brunch, Jack and I went home to start organizing the trailer for our journey home. We got most of it done in the afternoon. LaVon came down also Sunday afternoon to help me with my blog - we made some changes to the states visited map. Thanks LaVon. Sunday night Wendy and Rick Fury came by to tell us goodbye and safe traveling. We are going to miss all the nice people we met while at Quail Run. Had a fun three months!!
This morning we were up and going early. We actually didn't get off until 9:00 a.m. or so. Don and LaVon came by to tell us goodbye and give us a "safe travel prayer" which was great. Also, Buddy stopped by to tell us goodbye. We made it to Deming, NM tonight. We will head out in the morning for our next scheduled stop - Santa Rosa, NM.
P.S. - Thanks LaVon for sweeping the street for us this morning!! Glad we didn't get a flat tire before leaving the park.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sedona & Oak Creek Canyon Country
We came into Sedona on Highway 179 and was definitely impressed with all the beautiful scenery. Sedona is surrounded by all these massive red rock formations. We definitely don't have anything like this in Missouri. They are beautiful! We drove out on the North side of Sedona along the Oak Creek Canyon and the Coconino National Forest. Jack 50 pictures at least of all this area. Here are a few:

After we drove around this area, we went back into the town of Sedona. We stopped, got out and shopped around. They have some beautiful galleries and unique things. Here was a horse statue that was just on the sidewalk.

Went to the hotel and checked in for the night. We were pretty tired so just "vegged" out for the night.
Next morning we headed out to see some sites on the way out of Sedona. We decided to come out a different route. We took the West Highway 89A out of Sedona towards the town of Cottonwood. This was a nice drive but soon ran out of the red rock area. This area is called the Verde Valley area.
I had seen an outlet center on the way up so of course we had to check this out on the way back (right DeAnn). Then we headed on back to Casa Grande. It took us over an hour to get through Phoenix yesterday. I guess since it was Good Friday there were a lot of people off work and the kids out of school so they were all on the road. We got back to Quail Run around 4:00 p.m. after picking up Brandy. She was very excited to see us. This was a great trip. So glad we decided to do it before we left Arizona.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Apache Trail & Superstition Mountains

After we left the boat ride, we drove over to Tortilla Flat to have lunch at the Stagecoach Saloon but there was too many people waiting and we were too hungry to wait that long, so we drove back down the mountain the the Goldfield Ghost Town.
Here is a picture we took on the way down at the lake lookout:
Here are a few pictures we took at the Ghost Town:

After we left the Ghost Town, after a good lunch, we saw this little church that was located with the Superstition Mountain Museum. LaVon thought it would make a good picture and she was right.

Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patrick's Day
The weather was partly cloudy but while we were at the pool the sun came out and it turned out to be real nice evening.
Sunday we went to church. There seems to be smaller crowds due to people leaving the park to head home. It was real cool in the morning and then we had some showers in the afternoon. Next Sunday, after the church service, we are going to have brunch.
It was still pretty cool this morning but it warmed up in the afternoon. Tonight Jack and I went to the St. Patrick's Day Dinner and Dance. The food was good and we enjoyed the evening. We didn't stay too late as Brandy, our dog, wasn't feeling too good so we came on home to check on her.
Don and LaVon stopped by to discuss our plans to go to the Apache Trail. We wanted to ride the Dolly Steamboat at Canyon Lake so Don had checked out the availability and it was sold out for Tuesday. So we are planning on going on Wednesday which might be the better day as the weather is to improve as the week goes on.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Phoenix/Mesa Trip
On Friday, Jack and I went into Mesa to the big flea market. It is always fun to go to it. We looked for a few things to take back to Missouri. Jack picked out a small southwestern pot and a variety of cactus to plant. He did a great job putting it all together. He has much more patience than I on things like this. After spending a couple of hours there we went to lunch.
Then I wanted to stop by Arizona Mills to make a couple stops for shopping. I really like the shops there especially the Chico's Outlet Store. We don't have one of these in Missouri (at least I haven't found it).
We were back to Quail Run by 4:30 p.m. We had dinner and then just settled in for television.
On a sad note, while we were at the Mesa Flea Market, DeAnn called me to let us know that Bruce's Mother had passed away yesterday morning. She has been in bad health for almost a year. DeAnn had called me the day before to let me know that the doctor had called them and told them they needed to come to Iowa because she was not going to make it much longer. So please put them in your prayers and thoughts over the next few days. The funeral will be on Monday afternoon in Centerville, Iowa, which is Bruce's hometown. If anyone would like to drop them a card, here is their address: 12115 S. Blackbob Road, Apt. 303, Olathe, Kansas 66062.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Saguaro National Park & Desert Museum

This is Javelina - desert pig:

Monday, March 10, 2008
Baseball Spring Training

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Luau at Quail Run
We went back up to the Luau around 3:45 p.m. as Jack and I were greeters by the back gate to the pool. We passed out the leis and shell necklaces to residents. Then we joined some friends to enjoy the Luau.
The Luau was a hugh success!! There was all kinds of food, drinks, and entertainment for all to enjoy and I believe everybody had a great time. I know Bud and Shelley are glad is over and done with.
We talked yesterday with some family and friends from Kansas City and all is well with them. I am getting excited and anxious to get back to Kansas City as it has been a long 3 months not seeing my grandchildren and other family members. We have another 2 - 3 weeks before we head back that way.
Today Jack and I are going to go to Tucson to the Diamondbacks and Mariners baseball game with Sharon and Tom Peterson. It is a beautiful day so I know we will enjoy it.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Then around noon we left to drive into Tucson. We went into the Beaudry RV Park and enjoyed their Mexican Festival Luncheon. We had a nice piece of pork loin with rice and beans. The chocolate cake was delicious. Then we walked over to Camping World and made our usual run through there.
Jack had made an appointment to get the oil changed in the truck with the Dodge dealership. So he dropped me off at the Tucson Mall while he went to get the oil change. I would much prefer being at the mall than sitting in the dealership waiting on the truck to get done. This is only the second time we have had the oil changed on this truck (only had it since last August) and the first change was free. We couldn't believe what they charge for oil change for diesels!!
We hit the Trader Joe store before we left Tucson. We don't have Trader Joe's in Kansas City so we have really enjoyed having them here. Their wine is good and very reasonable. DeAnn got us started on it!! Speaking of DeAnn, I talked to her today and they were leaving Oklahoma City this afternoon before the next snow storm hits. She said it was freezing cold and snow was forecast to be there tonight, so they were driving on to KC tonight. DeAnn told us they had just passed a sign showing diesel was $3.97 - they kept on going. She said she was sure they would find it cheaper on down the road. Hopefully they did!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Early Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Monday was clean up the trailer and do the laundry day. So that kept us busy most of the day. The wind died down Sunday night and the day turned out to be a pretty nice warm day. We sat outside while we did the laundry and enjoyed the sun. We took a walk earlier in the day and saw the little owl again by the holding pond. He must be getting more accustomed to the people around as he just sat and watched us.
DeAnn called yesterday and said they survived the storms in Oklahoma but it was really cold and windy. She should have stayed with us the month of March!!
Later in the day, Jack and I went into Casa Grande to go by the cleaners and get a bite to eat.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Talked to DeAnn around 12:30 p.m. and they were in Texas heading to Oklahoma City. She said the wind was really blowing there too. The wind in Arizona today was the worse we have had since we have been here. It was sunny but the wind has blow all day and is still blowing tonight. Hopefully it will die down before morning.
DeAnn called around 5:30 p.m. and they were in Elk City, Oklahoma, sitting out a terrible storm. There are tornado warnings out for a large portion Oklahoma tonight. They were going to wait in Elk City for an hour or so to let the storm move on East. She called me around 7:45 p.m. and they were at their RV park in Oklahoma City, but the tornado sirens were going off. She said they probably wouldn't sleep much tonight. Say your prayers tonight for them to be safe.
Jack and I were going to take a walk but decided it was just too windy to enjoy one. We decided to just stay in the trailer and watch the NASCAR race. Carl Edwards, a Missouri boy, won today. So that was good.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2007