Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another Week Gone By

Monday brought the sunshine to KC!! We were so excited to see the sun and the warm weather. It was in the 60s and 70s the first part of the week and we thoroughly enjoyed it. We bought some new patio furniture that had to be put together, so that kept Jack busy for a day. But today the weather turned to cooler and rainy. I guess we have to have the Spring showers to have our green grass and blooming flowers. All the flowering trees are blooming and they are so pretty.

I had some routine doctor appointments this week - trying to catch up on these type of things. Wednesday I got back to my volunteering job at the Liberty Hospital. I really enjoyed doing this. I only volunteer a couple of times a month but I always feel better after I have done it. We have a great team to work with. This week it was a fun job - a fundraiser with a jewelry shop. I enjoy working this one.

The Spring garage sales are starting to pop up around here. Tomorrow Jack and I are going to see what they have for sale. We enjoy just going and looking to see what treasures we can find.

Sorry, LaVon I didn't get a picture of Bronson when we had him on Tuesday. I couldn't locate the camera. I found it the next day out in the car. I'll get one the next we have him.