Sunday, April 6, 2008

Busy Weekend

Friday the young couple from Wichita, KS came to pick up the old trailer they had bought. I know that the trailer is going to a good home as they were a really nice couple. This was their first true enclosed camper. They had camped in tents, etc., but never with all the conveniences of a true trailer. It was nice to see it go to them.

Friday night my niece Tara, my brother's daughter, and her two little ones came in for the weekend. It is always nice to see them and catch up. She definitely has her hands full - three boys under the age of 4 1/2 - but she loves it. She is the best Mother and has the patience for it. Saturday she wanted to do some shopping so we took off with the two little ones. It turned out fine. The youngest one, 9 months, slept the entire time we were shopping in the stores. Thank goodness for strollers. After shopping, we visited with our son Chad and his son; then on over to my sister's house to see her kids and grandchildren. So we had a full day. I slept really good last night.

Tara and the kids left after we had a big breakfast. She wanted to stop a couple places on the way back to home, Lebanon, MO.

My sister stayed for a while and Jack shared the pictures with her that we had taken while on our winter trip to Arizona. Told her about all the nice people we met while at Quail Run.


LaVon Baker said...

It's good to know your camper is going to a good home. We sure found a nice HitchHiker here for sale. We're still praying about it.

LaVon Baker said...

Cathy, I know Jack is taking PICTURES. You didn't think I would only pick on Wendy, did you?