Thursday, May 1, 2008

Quail Run Mini-Reunion

The weather is warming up a little around here. One day it is warm but then the next morning it might be in the 30s. We did have a frost on Tuesday morning. I had to bring the plants in the house. I will be really glad when we get warm and we stay that way. Today it was 82 but we are under a severe thunderstorm until 8:00 p.m.

Last night Jack and I went to Olathe, Kansas, to Bill and Donna Rinne's house for dinner. DeAnn and Bruce met us there. We had a wonderful dinner and great conversations with all of them. Some of you will remember, Bill and Donna was at Quail Run for a month and we met them thru DeAnn and Bruce. It was fun to catch up on the news with of us. We had to know how Bruce and DeAnn were adjusting to being "working" people again. They seem to be adjusting but I think they are missing their carefree days!! Sorry I forgot to take the camera.

Today we kept our little grandson, Bronson, for a while so his Mother could go to the doctor to have some tests. She is the daughter-in-law that is pregnant and is doing fine. It was just routine tests. We enjoyed seeing Bronson. Yesterday he was jumping in his bed and cut his lower lip. But it looked pretty good today. It will be just one of many marks he will have as a boy growing up.

1 comment:

Wendy and Rick Fury said...

Our little one Jay has bruises too. He is very active. Wish i had half his energy. Glad you got to see old friends again. Take care.